Our practice

HL BaSE is Hogan Lovells' international social enterprise and social finance practice. We provide practical, commercial advice to social enterprises and mission-led businesses, and we act as advisors to impact investment projects.

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Our impact

Over the past decade, we have encouraged our lawyers from across our international offices to support social impact causes linked to the UN SDGs, by providing high quality legal advice to social entrepreneurs and impact investment projects.

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HL BaSE training

HL BaSE Training is a mini-MBA style course for trainee and junior lawyers, developing their commercial skills and social impact.

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Our partners

Our business and social enterprise program is being delivered in partnership with Ashoka and UnLtd, whose successes in the field of social entrepreneurship are far reaching and inspiring.

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Our team

HL BaSE is run by our full-time social enterprise lawyers, supported by the global HL BaSE board and citizenship teams.

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Business integrity

We know that business integrity and positive social impact are core to our clients' success. 

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