Environmental sustainability is top of the agenda and we are working with a number of our clients on sustainability initiatives. 

Examples of our work include: 

  • Advising the Great Green Wall for UN CCD an African-led movement with an epic ambition to grow an 8,000km natural wonder of the world across the entire width of Africa.  We are advising on IP rights associated with a fundraising documentary;
  • Working with other law firms as part of the Chancery Lane Project to help business fight and prepare for climate change; and   
  • Advised the WWF on their incredible NETFLIX film, "Our Planet"

We are founder members of the LSA (formerly the Legal Sector Alliance), a network of UK based law firms working collaboratively to take action to address the impact of climate change.  The LSA membership principles provide a framework to support individual action by each member and an outline of the LSA’s commitment to collective action.  They cover members’ own operations, but also their wider influence on clients, suppliers, employees and policy makers.  The initial focus of the principles is on UK activities, recognising that firms with operations elsewhere are likely to apply these or similar principles to those operations in a phased manner.